Jason Hew, Centre Manager

Professional Qualification
B. Psych (Hons) (HELP, Malaysia)

Jason Hew graduated from HELP University’s Bachelors Degree in Psychology program in 2015. He is one of the founding members of MY Psychology, and ever since its inception in 2014, he has taken on the role of writer and editor in the team, writing articles, opinion pieces, book and movie reviews for MY Psychology’s website. He also edited 10 issues of MY Psychology’s digital magazine, “Gestalt”.

He is one of the screenwriters of MY Psychology, having written the scripts for short films in MY Psychology’s early days, and recently part of the team creating a psychology video series on MY Psychology’s Youtube channel: “Psych-Show”.

Jason has been the chief editor of a textbook chapter (titled: “A Case Study of MY Psychology: Malaysia’s First Online Psychoeducational Platform”) in the textbook, “Multicultural Counseling Applications for Improved Mental Healthcare Services”, published by IGI Global.

He was also the director and one of the screenwriters for the short film “Why Don’t We Help Others?”, which recently won the 2019 APA PsycShorts Video Contest, organized by the American Psychological Association (APA). 

Jason Hew is currently the center manager for MY Psychology Center, located in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Along with his partners in MY Psychology, and the two key mental health practitioners / clinical psychologists, they aim to take real action into improving the mental health standards in Malaysia, alongside raising public awareness on issues in the field. 

 丘忠諴 / 心理治疗中心经理


Jason 于精英大学的心理学系里毕业,在 2015 年获得了心理学的学士学位。他是 MY 心理学的其中一位创始人,也是 MY 心理学的文章作者和编辑。他也曾身为 MY 心理学的电子杂志系列 – “GESTALT” (共十期)的总编辑。

Jason 是 MY 心理学的编剧,曾在 MY 心理学早期的时候编写过几部短篇制作。近期以来,他是 MY 心理学的心理学知识短片制作团队的成员之一。

他也曾为 IGI Global 所出版的课本 “Multicultural Counseling Applications for Improved Mental Healthcare Services” 里提供了一个章节,率领其余成员一同编写该章节,以及担任了编辑的责任。

在 2019 年由美国心理学协会(APA)所举办的短片视频比赛里,Jason 所导并共同与其他成员所编写的短片荣获评委会大奖

Jason 目前为 MY 心理学中心的中心负责人。与其他成员,以及两位专业的临床心理治疗师,他们不单想提升马来西亚大众的心理健康意识,还想靠实际行动来为这个领域带来改变。