Ler Shen Voon, Clinical Psychologist
Professional Qualification
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
- Master of Clinical Psychology (University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia)
Professional Affiliation
- Full Member (CP1-0465) – Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology
- MAHPC(CP)00384 – Malaysian Allied Health Professional Council, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Voon started her journey in the realm of mental health after her internship at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. She witnessed how resilient a human spirit can be in the face of darkness. She was then inspired to become a clinical psychologist when she returned to Malaysia.
During her practicum as a clinical psychology trainee, she worked at an internal clinic at the University of Cyberjaya before working with children and adolescents at Pusat Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Khas Putrajaya under the Ministry of Education. She then practised her clinical skills at People Psychological Solutions, dealing with populations aged 13 to 75 with various mental health concerns, such as mood disorders, personality disorders, gambling addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and more.
Currently, Voon is working as an associate at People Psychological Solutions and also a locum clinical psychologist at MY Psychology. She believes a safe space where clients can share their inner thoughts and feelings is necessary for change and growth. She strives to assist her clients to cope with life stressors and achieve a positive outcome in all aspects of life, such as personal, relationships and work.
Aside from being a clinical psychologist, Voon advocates mental health on social media platforms such as Instagram and XHS. She carries a mission to debunk misconceptions and stigma about mental health and also provide accurate information to the public, in hopes that there will be one day when everyone can be their own therapist, their own safe base.
Languages: Mandarin, English
Research Publication at the 57th Taiwanese Psychological Association Conference
Past Experience
- Facilitator – Psychological First Aid (PFA) Training
- PFA Volunteer at Buddy Bear Helpline
吕倩雯/ 临床心理师
- 心理学学士(台湾国立中正大学)
- 临床心理硕士学位(马来西亚赛城大学)
- 会员(CP1-0465)马来西亚临床心理协会
- MAHPC(CP)00384 马来西亚专职医疗联盟理事会,马来西亚卫生部
在Voon受训期间,她曾在赛城大学的心理治疗所实习、在马来西亚教育部成立的特殊教育服务部门给孩子及青少年提供心理治疗、心理衡鉴和诊断及给父母提供培训。她之后在一家私人心理治疗所 People Psychological Solutions实习,主要协助13至75岁的群众提供关于各种心理困扰及疾病的服务,其中包括忧郁症、焦虑症、人格障碍、赌博障碍、强迫症、注意力缺陷/多动症等。
Voon现在除了在People Psychological Solutions就职临床心理师,她也在MY Psychology就职。她相信一个能让来访者自由分享他们的内心想法和感受的安全空间是成长和改变的必要因子。她会打造安全空间,协助来访者在面对生活各种压力时,在个人、关系和工作等方面都能取得来访者想要的成果。
除了身为临床心理师的职责外,Voon在社交媒体平台,比如 Instagram和小红书,相当活跃地向公众分享正确的心理知识,减少对心理健康的误解和污名化。她期待总有一天,每个人都能成为自己的心理师、自己的安全基石,呵护及重视着自己的心理状态。
- 曾在2018年台湾心理学会第57届年会口头发表论文
- 提供心理急救操作 (Psychological First Aid)训练
- 在Buddy Bear Helpline担任心理急救的志愿者